Sliding Gallery

[vc_message color=“alert-danger“ style=“3d“ el_class=“noicon“]You can create unlimited image sliders like below ones using the included Revolution Slider plugin. This plugin has many advanced features and we have specially embedded it into Justshop theme to make it work smoothly. We also provide you with ready-made samples of sliders just like this, so all you have to do is put in your big images, set the type (fixed, responsive or full-width) and you are instantly ready to publish. There are many more customizations you can do if you spend a few moments dabbling with its animation settings.

Animations and transitions are a breeze to configure within this slider’s settings and most of it is very cleanly explained (in the provided help documents) so it becomes absolutely easy for you to quickly get your slider published![/vc_message][vc_separator color=“grey“ tt_line=“yes“]

There is nothing to show here!
Slider with alias layout3 not found.

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